Welcome to the Shearwater Sailing School of Sailing.  From beginner to advanced, as well as custom lessons, all classes are taught by professional educators who know how help you meet your unique sailing goals.  

As a US Sailing School, we offer four internationally recognized sailing certifications, plus the Coastal Navigation Certification available in our Navigation School.

Browse for the best class that fits you, or call and let us help you plan your sailing education.  

Class Offerings

Sailing Essentials

This thorough introduction will launch you into the spectacular sport of sailing. A thorough foundation to prepare you to skipper and crew a keelboat on your own.

Info & Registration

Learn to sail and earn your US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certificate. Enter here for details, options, scheduling, and registration.

Info & Sign Up!

Cruising Classes

Learn to skipper and crew a cruising sailboat with inboard engine and equipment for extended sailing excursions. Systems, navigation and maneuvering to prepare you for longer sails, anchoring and docking in harbors near and far.


US Sailing Certification in:
Basic Cruising for beginners
Bareboat Cruising for extended trips and chartering
IPC for International certification

Info & Registration!

Ardenna Flagship Program

High quality training that prepares you to cruise this beautiful yacht in the Salish Sea, and any cruising sailboat anywhere in the world.

Your Cruising Sailboat on the Salish Sea

Join a small and devoted community of skilled sailors and explore the the Salish Sea through this elegant Sabre 402

Details & Registration